4th of Primary students. We´ve been working on an amazing science Project in the English classroom.
After doing some research work , we´ve become experts on an endangered creature… and what´s more important…we´ve come to feel that we humans are really important and we can and must make a difference in our world!!!
Zientzia proiektu zoragarria landu dugu ingelera klasean.
Zenbait ikerketa-lan egin ondoren, arriskuan dauden espezietan jakitun bilakatu gara, are gehiago, gizakiok ingurumenaren zaintze prozesuan daukagun erantzunbeharraz ohartu gara.
Berrikuntzarik galdu nahi ez baduzu, jarrai iezaguzu gure sare sozialetan.
Bestalde, oso garrantzitsua da gure hezkuntz-plataformako gutun eta abisuetara erreparatzea